Showing posts with label horror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horror. Show all posts

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Does Anyone Really Remember Current History?

 I know I am getting old, but I don't think I am that old that I have forgotten everything I learned in school or everything I experienced growing up. I say that to preface my rant. Today is Pearl Harbor Day and I am wondering if anyone alive even remembers what that means?

Fake news

It seems to me that the current generation of youth either are not taught about the past (as in, history) or they simply choose to disbelieve that any of the past every occurred. This is very troublesome to me.  If you ignore history, you are going to repeat it for yourself. There is a philosopher that said that better, but you get my drift.

note:[philosopher George SantayanaThose who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” most likely writer and philosopher George Santayana who originally wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”]
George Santayana

Anyway, my point is that there are things that have happened in our past history that were absolutely horrible. Things that went totally against humanity. There were people (men) who caused so much pain, damage, and distress to millions of other people without a care in the world. This is a fact. How can you, in good conscience, tell yourself that these things did not happen?

World War II

I try really hard not to be political here, but it is becoming more and more difficult to do. I will really try to get a handle on my thoughts and feelings about the current state of affairs in America. However, I will continue to make my distaste known; I know I am just one person, but my humanity does count.

Today, I would like to posit a test. If I post a 20 question quiz here about World War II, do you think you would get the answers correct? Would you even try to answer the questions? Do you care?  I don't know. But, anyway, I am going to post this quiz and see if anyone will participate.

World War II Quiz

1. Question: What year did World War II begin?

2. Question: Who was the British Prime Minister at the start of World War II?

3. Question: Which country did Germany invade to start World War II?

4. Question: What was the largest Nazi concentration camp?

  • 5. Question: What was the name of the British operation to evacuate troops from Dunkirk?
  • 6. Question: Who was the President of the United States at the end of World War II?
  • 7. Question: What was the name of the project that developed the atomic bomb?
  • 8. Question: Which battle is considered the turning point of the Pacific War?
  • 9. Question: What was the last major German offensive campaign in World War II?
  • 10. Question: Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II?

11. Question: What was the code name for the Battle of Normandy?

12. Question: Which Japanese city was the first to be hit with an atomic bomb?

13. Question: What was the main reason for the Japanese surrender in World War II?

14. Question: Which agreement divided Germany into zones of occupation?

15. Question: What was the primary role of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force in Britain?

16. Question: Which country was annexed by Germany in the Anschluss of 1938?

17. Question: What was the name of the German air force?

18. Question: Who was the U.S. general in charge of the Western Front in Europe?

19. Question: What was the main objective of the D-Day invasion?

20. Question: What was the codename for the German invasion of the Soviet Union?

If you want the answers, just comment below "answers" and I will get them to you.

Why Are Orcas Attacking Boats?

Recently I have been reading articles and news about Orcas attacking boats and causing quite a bit of anxiety.  Since these whales hunt in p...