Showing posts with label millennials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label millennials. Show all posts

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Boomers get blamed for everything

I was surfing the internet the other day, which I do frequently when I am between projects or just bored.  I ran across an article that interested me and before I knew it, 3 hours were gone and I was "down a rabbit hole".  The article was about how the boomers had ruined everything for the millennials.  Here is the link to that article.  I read the entire article and then sat and gave it serious thought.  Then I searched for other articles on the topic, making sure I got views from various sources and age groups.  I even went to Reddit and Quora to read what they had posted.  

The more I read, the angrier I became.  It isn't that the facts presented were untrue or slanted (much).  Yes, because of our age now, we do possess the most money, power, etc.  The generations that came after us do not have the same base we do and do not have the American drive that we had drilled into our heads.  I did not take umbrage to the facts they presented but rather to the tone and the vitriol expressed by many of the authors.

I feel that putting all of the baby boomers into a neat little package and then condemning the package is morally wrong.  It is just another form of Ageism in my book.  I understand where most of the younger generation is coming from, but the reality is that we inherited the world we live in, just as they will.  Our parents made messes and mistakes that we had to either correct or learn to live with.  

Most of the people in my generation grew up in a family that either struggled or just made it by.  We, as a group, were not this elite, entitled group.  I grew up learning to make things for myself and when I wanted something from a store, I had to wait for a holiday or birthday to maybe get it.  My parents worked really hard and they told me that I would have to do so too.  We were not poor, but we were far from rich.  Both my parents had to work and my sister and I were "latch-key" babies before there was such a term (much to my chagrin because my sister was mean).

It is not our fault that we were the first generation to have access to birth control and as a result had much smaller families.  Our smaller families, in turn, also had small families.  So the result of that one event in our society is that the Boomers continued to be the largest group with all the following groups being much smaller.  Now, we have a generation coming up that may or may not even have families, so our population will just continue to get smaller and smaller which will have a positive effect on the economy, the environment,  and all the other complaints being thrown about.

Here is another article if you care to join me down the "rabbit hole". This is also another article to peruse.

My answer to all this angst is to tell the younger generations to just wait a few more years and we will be mostly gone.  We are losing our generation daily and when we are all gone, you can run the show.

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