Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Christmas Health CareImage by via Flickr
Today is finally Christmas and I am so glad it's over.  I worked today and it was a really sad day to spend with my patients.  I am constantly reminded that life is hard and sometimes a simple quirk in time can mean all the difference in the type of life you get to live.

So, today I am very grateful for my life--my family, my work, my health, my pets, my friends,--simply my life.
I know that I am very blessed.  I know that there are people in the world who love me and care about my happiness.  I know that for my age, I am in extremely good health.  I am thankful for it all.

I hope you too will do some internal searching and discover the bounty of your blessings.  May Christmas live in your life all year long. 

Merry Christmas!
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Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Santas are finally finished and on the tree!

Well, I wasn't sure these would be done in time, but I got bored today while I waited for someone to come by that never did.  While waiting, I went ahead and finished the santas and hung them on the tree.  I took some liberty with the project instructions and I added dimensional paint for the beard and used black ribbon to attach the legs.  But, I have to say they turned out quite well.  I like the way they look on my tree. 

I may be starting my own Christmas tradition.  Last year, I made the snowflake ornaments that are up on the tree.  This year I made the Santas.  Wonder what I will make next year?

Here's some pictures of the santas:


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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'm ready for Christmas------------to be over!

Today is the 23rd and Christmas is almost here. I am avoiding going out like the plague because the traffic here in Austin is simply crazy! I figure that if I am not ready for Christmas now, I don't think I will ever be ready.

The one thing I know I am ready for is for all this holiday madness to be over. I am enjoying my tree, and I am enjoying visiting with my family; but that's about it. I am still working on my Santa tree ornaments and maybe they will be done in time for Christmas, but if not there is always next year!

I just wanted to take a minute to write briefly here because I know that the next two days will go by in a blur of activity for me and for almost everyone else. There's dinner to prepare, trees to finish decorating, presents to finish wrapping (or buying maybe?), and a million other little things to do to get ready for the big day.

I just want to say:


May the New Year bring us Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All Men
(and Women and Dogs and Cats and Other pets!)

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Make this for your Christmas tree

Here is another great tutorial for making Christmas Tree ornaments with the family.  This one uses Makin's Clay that you buy at your local hobby/craft store.  I have never used this product before, but after seeing how cute this turns out, I may have to give it a try.

One of the things that appeal to me about this clay is that you don't have to paint it.  It comes already colored.  I'm not sure of the cost and I also worry about how to store the unused clay.  If it is costly and can't be stored for very long, then maybe I won't be able to try it.  However, I do think this is a very cute ornament.

* Makin's Clay®
  • 60 gram Yellow Clay
  • 60 gram White Clay
  • 60 gram Black Clay
  • 60 gram Blue Clay
  • 60 gram Red Clay
  • 60 gram Green Clay

Recommended Makin's® Tools:
  • Chisel
  • Mallet
  • Roller

Other Materials:
  • 1 piece of Gold Thin String 
  • White Glue
  • Black Pen


1. Print and cut out the pattern.

2. Roll yellow cClay into a square sheet with Makin's Roller.

3. Cut the star shape out as shown then pin two holes on each arm of the star.

4. Roll white clay into balls in the size of the faces.

5. Roll neon orange clay into teardrop shapes then add onto the faces. Pin in the mouth with Makin's Chisel.

6. Using desired colors, make the hats and details according to the pattern.

7. Add the eyes with a black pen and the writing with a silver pen. Twist and attach a gold ribbon or rope.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Santas are coming along!

For anyone who remembers my posting earlier about making little santa ornaments for your tree, I am now going to post some pictures of my progress.  I know, I know.  I am moving at the speed of a slug, but I'm just pleased to be moving at all. 

I hope to finish these this week and get my tree up.  I have mixed feelings about doing that, but I know I will get the tree up before long.  Anyway, here are three pictures of my progress with these cute little ornaments!

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving one and all!

Photo showing some of the aspects of a traditi...
Tomorrow is the big Turkey day and everyone will be busy cooking and watching games on the tube.  It is a big day for families to spend quality time together, even when the quality is questionable.

It is also a day to look at ourselves critically and to review our blessings.  There is not a single soul that cannot find a blessing to be thankful for.  With that said, it is also a time to rejoice in the good company of family and friends--a time of coming together to recement the common bonds we all share.

I can make a long list of all the things I am thankful, friends, work, enough money to stay afloat, good food, and so on.  I'm sure your list would be very similar.  But still, I'd like to encourage all to take a silent moment tomorrow to mentally review all the things we have to be thankful for.  Remember our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan who are separated from their families so we can be with ours.

I pray that all who read this enjoy the true blessing of this holiday and are filled with joy.  Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
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Friday, November 20, 2009

Christmas Shopping Advice for Men

Here is an article I found that is quite humorous.  You might want to print it out and "accidentally" leave it lying for your man to find.  It really gives some good advice on how to buy a present for a woman, and even if it was published in the UK, it has universal information.
I hope you find this as interesting as I did and I hope it helps you get what you "really" want for Christmas this year!


Author: Carrie Spacey
Published: 11th November 2009 12:37

It's a well-worn cliche that many men put this task off until Christmas Eve - but have you ever wondered why that is? It won't necessarily be because he's lazy or disorganized, no, it's far more likely he just hasn't got a clue and has that "can't do right for doing wrong" mental block.
 We're here to help, so all you worried men out there, read on....
Christmas shopping for the woman in your life can be daunting, but knowing a few basics about the noble art of buying gifts for women can help you on the way to a harmonious festive season:

It's About Her, Not You
This has to be the cardinal rule: Do not, under any circumstances, buy her something that's on your own wishlist. So, nothing from the DIY shop, no sports DVDs, no gardening implements. Most women will not have "52" LCD TV so I can watch Liverpool v Utd next Saturday" at the top of their must-haves.

No Household Appliances
You might think you're being helpful by getting her a chop-o-matic or one of those nifty new hoovers with a ball instead of wheels, but believe me, go that route and it's highly likely you'll be spending Christmas night in Arrowe Park A&E. Christmas is a time for gifts she wants, not stuff she needs.

Apply the Mother-in-Law test

Each idea you have must be put through this rigorous testing procedure. If you think your Mother would like it, forget it. Move on. Quickly.

Big Pants or Black Lace? Neither!
It's entirely possible that your loved one could do with some new knickers or a nightie. But, you must strike the right note - half-way between granny pants and your wildest fantasies should be about right.

Don't Attempt to "Do" Fashion
Clothing may seem to be an ideal gift, especially if your partner loooooves clothes. However, the point is, if she does love clothes, she probably has a very strong idea of what she does and doesn't like, honed over several thousand hours of window/online/real-life shopping. How can you hope to compete with that level of experience?

A far better idea is to figure out her favourite shop, buy an extravagantly generous voucher and then wrap it up beautifully - layers and layers of silk, ribbon, little notes in between each layer. Anything to disguise the fact you wimped out and got her a voucher, basically.

Listen and Learn
Once upon a time I had a craving for a particular, really funky, leather jacket. I went on, and on, and on about it in the presence of my then boyfriend. In fact, no-one in a 10 mile radius could have been in any doubt of what I wanted for Christmas. He, however, bought me an "ornamental" painted wooden frog. Called Bladder. I kid you not.

OK, I appreciate this is an extreme example, but it does serve the purpose of pointing out that you could do well to actually listen to the hints she is dropping. Sometimes these may be subtle, but most likely they will be like bricks landing in a duck-pond. They'll probably have started around late October. Listen and act on them. Definitely.

Love Conquers All
There's probably very little chance you will ever get it 100% right, because we women are a capricious bunch. But, if she can tell you've at least thought about it, and curbed your urges towards the mundane, the easiest option or the downright lazy, the chances are you will avoid the spectacle of your Christmas dinner ending up on the dining room wall.

Just show her you care enough to follow the above rules, and I'm prepared to bet my wooden frog Bladder that you'll see her smiling at you over the sprouts this Christmas.

Find the original article here
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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tree Ornament - Felt Whimsical Santa

Image for Tree Ornament - Felt Whimsical Santa DIY Craft Project
This free Christmas craft project shows you how to make a quick Christmas tree ornament. For those who do not know how to sew you can use craft glue instead of the needle and thread. Print off the pattern and cut out all the shapes.Using some sewing pins, pin the paper pattern to your piece of felt and cut out the shape. You need for each Christmas ornament (front and back). Sew the buttons onto the front pattern piece as shown in the picture. Using the needle and thread sew a blanket stitch around the edges leaving 1-2 inches at the top so you can fill it. Do not remove the thread as you will use it to finish off. Fill the Christmas ornament with a small amount of toy filling and then sew in the ribbon for hanging the Christmas ornament up. Close up the top of the Ornament with the remaining thread in the same blanket stitch style. If you do not know how to sew you can glue this project or use a different stitch style.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Quick and easy Christmas tree decorations

Last year, I decided that I would once again enjoy putting up a Christmas tree and making some decorations with my grandsons.  They, however, did not share my enthusiasm.  Oh well.  I am known in my family as the "Scrooge" as Christmas has never been a favorite of mine.  I really don't much enjoy any of the holidays--maybe because I have been a nurse for so long that I cannot remember being home for a holiday, but for whatever reason, I am just not much into holidays.

When my girls were small, I made ornaments, presents, and decorations during the holidays--mostly due to lack of money and an overabundant amount of free time.  The girls and I made craft time "our time together" and we did have fun.  So, I am now at an age where I don't feel any pressure about Christmas and I again wanted to take part in the holiday in some way. 

I found a craft article describing how to make tree ornaments out of things you normally throw away, and I said to myself--Ah-ha!  I can be crafty and green!  So I began to make my ornaments and then realized that I did not even have a Christmas tree.  Off to Walmart I went to buy a tree.  I ended up getting a tall, thin tree with lights already on it (I hate stringing lights).  I know I could have just gotten a real tree, but I don't really want the mess of needles and such.

Finally, after a concentrated effort lasting a few weeks, I had ornaments and a tree, so I put it up and I actually enjoyed it.  No presents, no other decorations, just a tree with ornaments and lights.  Anyway, here are some pictures of the ornaments and the finished tree.  Hope you enjoy them.  If you are interested, let me know and I will post the directions for the ornaments.  I think they cost about $1 total.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More about Christmas

ChristmasImage via Wikipedia
I have never been a Christmas person.  As a matter of fact, Christmas has always been my least favorite holidays.  I don't like getting surprise gifts and I hate shopping.  I used to be able to enjoy the season when my girls were small by decorating and holiday crafting, but not so much anymore.

One year I made each girl a handmade stocking and decorated each one with beads and sequins and hand-made appliques made out of felt.  I really enjoyed the work, but now I don't even think they know where those stockings are.

Another thing I used to do was make bread-dough tree ornaments.  I would start making them in October and have enough to hang on the tree for Christmas.  The girls loved to "help" when they were small , but by the teenage years that too went by the side of the road.

So, here I am now, middle-aged and facing Christmas.  My grandsons are teenagers so they are not into crafting or decorating.  All they want is money or games; maybe even clothes--if they are cool.  Christmas is just another day.  Usually, I choose to work that day and let those with families take the day off. This year, I think that will be what I will be doing also.

I have begun thinking about shopping for gifts, however, which is very unusual for me.  With the advent of online shopping, I find the task not quite as bad.  I don't mind buying gifts, but I love that they wrap and deliver to the receiver.  No mess, no worry.  The only thing to remember is to shop early enough that the gifts arrive in time.

Anyone else with a similar story?  I'd love to hear some of your stories about Christmas past, present, and future.

Here are the thoughts I am having about gifts this year:

For my sister who is always getting lost--a GPS navigator to use in the car.
For my youngest grandson who loves to play games and be online--a netbook computer of his own.
For the oldest grandson who is a real gamer--a Wii gaming system
For both my daughters, each a veteran reader and traveler--a Kindle Reader
For myself, who works online and loves to watch my grandsons--a camcorder

Wow, that was so easy.  Now all I have to do is find the money and get busy ordering!! This is the way to have Christmas!
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Is anyone ready for Christmas?

Halloween on ChristmasImage by Tvlip via Flickr
Halloween will soon be a memory and Thanksgiving will be here before you know it.  With that in mind, has anyone else been thinking about getting ready for Christmas.  I know that the retailers are all trying to do their best to remind us of the imminent arrival of the HOLIDAYS--Halloween candy and costumes hanging side-by-side with Santas and Turkeys.  I sometimes don't remember what is the next holiday anymore.

I have just started buying my gifts and already I am having trouble.  Don't you know people that have everything and you have to buy them a present?  That describes my children who simply go and buy whatever they want right when they want it!  Whatever happened to delayed gratification, or working for something you want?

That particular mind-set makes gift giving a nightmare.  Usually, by the time Christmas rolls around I have simply given up and I just give money.  That seems so wrong, but what else do you do?

Is anyone else having these issues or am I all alone here?
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Why Are Orcas Attacking Boats?

Recently I have been reading articles and news about Orcas attacking boats and causing quite a bit of anxiety.  Since these whales hunt in p...