Showing posts with label Citizens United. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Citizens United. Show all posts

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Corruption in American Politics: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Does anyone else read the news and wonder how we got here? Does anyone think that our political system is so broken that it cannot ever be fixed? Does anyone believe that we have any politicians currently in office that really want to do their job and help us? Do we really want to maintain the current status quo?

politicians fighting
                                        Photo: ABC News

Well, folks, it's that time of year again – or should I say, every day of every year – when we reflect on the charming idiosyncrasies of our beloved American political system. Ah yes, corruption, America's unsung pastime, wedged somewhere between baseball and binge-watching reality TV.

reality tv
With the Presidential election on our horizon, I expect things to get out of hand pretty quickly. The system of picking the person who gets to run for office seems highly skewed to me and then of course we have the Electoral College who can decide to ignore our votes completely and give the election to whomever they want. Is it no wonder that so many young people feel hopeless and helpless?

Now, don't get me wrong. The United States, in its ever-optimistic worldview, ranked 25th out of 180 countries on Transparency International's 2020 Corruption Perceptions Index. For those keeping score, that's like getting a C on your report card and your parents celebrating because, hey, at least it's not a D. So, why the middling rank? You'd think the world's foremost democracy, the very same that loves exporting its ideals to anyone with an open port, would fare better. But, reality is always more fun, isn't it?

A D report card

Does anyone agree with me that the United States has lost face more times than you can count in the world stage? Does anyone agree that our country is on a slippery slope and falling fast? I read the news, I mean all the news--both left-centered and right-centered. I don't spend all day watching Fox News.  I try to get the entire picture from various points of view.  That is how I was taught to gather information in order to make decisions; but it seems that has gone by the wayside with quite a few other things.

We've had some real gems when it comes to political integrity. Remember when in 2019, two Rudy Giuliani associates were arrested on campaign finance charges? That felt like a surprise birthday party we never asked for. Or the Harvard study which found that between 1981 to 2002, corporate interests received a return on investment of $220 for every dollar spent on lobbying. Talk about bang for your buck!

What is a lobbyist

Why on earth do we have lobbies anyway? Who decided that lobbies were the way to go? Why does our government allow lobbyists to control so much legislation? I am confused and appalled by the fact that they have so much control.

Speaking of lobbying, let's give a standing ovation to our tireless lobbyists who make sure money talks louder than, well, everyone else. The total lobbying spending in the U.S. reached a whopping $3.51 billion in 2020. To put that into perspective, that's like buying everyone in New York City a fancy Starbucks drink and still having change to tip the barista generously.

Let's not forget the Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court decision of 2010. Who needs transparency when you have unlimited campaign contributions? It's like telling us we can eat all the candy we want and never get a cavity. Dark money groups spent over $1 billion in federal elections by the end of 2020. That's billion with a "B" – because why aim low?

A billion dollars in $100 bills

Does it seem to you that recent legislation is skewed toward lining politician's pockets instead of helping the American people? Am I the only person who feels this way? I certainly hope not. If I am, then I will despair.

Of course, we must tip our hats to our beloved politicians. I mean, why settle for a standard salary when there are so many ‘creative’ ways to line one's pockets? Insider trading? That's just for amateurs. The real fun is in the nebulous world of super PACs, sweetheart deals, and the hazy gray line that often makes us question, “Is it unethical, or just unfashionable?”

Now, I can hear the naysayers, "But not ALL politicians are corrupt!" And you'd be right. There are plenty of upright individuals striving to make a difference. They're like those rare unicorn toys you could never find because everyone else grabbed them first.

Honesty in poilitics

Unfortunately, for those upright politicians, they are paddling a canoe against the rapids and will never make any progress because they are constantly trying to keep themselve upright. They are overwhelmed with corruption all around them.  

In all seriousness, America does have systems in place to tackle corruption, like the Ethics Committees in Congress or the FEC. It's just a matter of how efficiently they work, and if they have the resources and willpower to do so. After all, it’s a tough job keeping an eye on a system that sometimes feels like it's powered by Monopoly money.

the ethics committee in congress

And talking about those systems, who puts the people in those committees? The corrupt politicians who are in control of the government put them into those positions.  It is very much like asking the fox to guard the hen house.

In conclusion, as we stroll down the golden-paved roads of American politics, let's take a moment to appreciate the sheer audacity, the sparkling innovations in 'alternative revenue streams,' and the never-ending entertainment. At least it keeps the news cycles spicy. Cheers to the land of opportunity! 🥂

Oh, and by the way, today is the International Day of Peace. Look how well we are doing at that, too!

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