Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Weaver stretches creative repertoire with dolls

 This is an article I found that talks about how this retired teacher went about becoming a doll maker.

I found her methods very interesting as I never really thought of the process one goes through to be creative and to make art dolls.

After reading the following article and looking at the pictures, I will have to try her method.  Maybe that will be the way I can jump-start my creative abilities.  I have always enjoyed being a student and learning, so her method may just work.

What do you think?



CHIEFTAIN PHOTOS/JOHN JAQUES -- The intricately beaded face of one of Anzlovar's dolls is shown in this close-up.

Anzlovar's small dolls and pins as well as her large art dolls will be for sale at the 25th annual Handwoven Holiday Sale.

CHIEFTAIN PHOTO/JOHN JAQUES -- Angela Sue McDowny, one of Anzlovar's dolls, is posed in the kitchen of her home.

This long-limbed doll, with body made from hand-woven fabrics, is one of Anzlovar's creations.

Janet Anzlovar shows a doll she's finishing. The doll's dress was sewn patchwork-style from fabric woven by Anzlovar.

Method meets creativity and whimsy in this weaver's art dolls.

Big-eyed and soft-bodied, the dolls made by Janet Anzlovar are detailed masterpieces - of weaving, sewing, embroidering, beading and more.

Anzlovar, who's retired from a long career of teaching in District 70, says she approached doll-making like she did teaching.

"I enjoyed making learning units when I was teaching, so I made one outlining what I would do to be a doll-maker. I set my goals, I listed activities like taking classes and joining a doll club, I listed the resources I'd use.

"I'd take two years out, travel around, read books, meet people," she says. "I would learn to make the dolls in conventional fabric, then apply what I learned to hand-woven fabric. I really did take an academic approach. I wanted to do it right." Anzlovar already was a master weaver with more than three decades of experience when she decided about four years ago to start making dolls. She says she was interested in them but wasn't a collector.

"I had one doll, Susie, as a child. I got married and left her behind but my mother gave her to me some years back. I love her dearly - she's in my weaving room."

From one doll, she's graduated to many, nearly all of them with bodies and clothing made from fabric she's woven. Their faces are hand-drawn with colored pencils, pens and chalk. They have yarn hair and finely embellished garments. They are small and large, they have names and they have pedigrees in the detailed notes and drawings Anzlovar makes as she creates them.

"I make mainly art dolls, though I have made some children's dolls that can

be played with."

Anzlovar says she's a "detail person."

"I love color. Making these dolls has been an outlet for my weaving. I give a lot away, I sell some, I keep some."

She mentions Leslie Molen of Denver and Lauren Vlcek of Colorado Springs as mentors, and says her husband Jim has been a big help: He builds props for her doll presentations, offers constructive critiques and lets her "bounce ideas off him."

Anzlovar has taken doll-making classes in many places and now has started teaching them herself. She's been invited back to New York to teach a class in making hats for dolls. After that she wants to try making dolls from clay and from woven wire.

"Doll-makers are like weavers in that they are very creative, very giving, very friendly people," Anzlovar says.

Janet Anzlovar's art dolls will be among the hand-woven goods, pottery, jewelry and Christmas ornaments offered for sale at the 25th annual Handwoven Holiday Sale, sponsored by Handweavers Guild of Pueblo, which runs Friday through Nov. 14 at the Historic Vail Hotel, 217 S. Grand Ave. Sale hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Guest artists will be Jill Larkin and Frank Grey. For more information, call 561-3762 or e-mail



You can visit the original site of this article here 
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Monday, November 2, 2009

Alternative medicine in the mainstream?

Sensing the locations for inserting the needle...Image by Wonderlane via Flickr

 As a psychiatric nurse for the last 20 or so years, I have been an advocate of alternative medicine as well.  I have always believed that we must try to do for ourselves as much as we can before we seek professional help.  I believe that through proper and adequate nutrition and supplementation most chronic medical conditions can be averted altogether or can be halted in their progression. I also believe that herbs and acupuncture can play an important part in keeping the body healthy.

To be very clear here, I believe that if all you have done to stay healthy fails, I do believe you should see your doctor.  Never ignore symptoms of illness.  Use of alternative or complementary medicine should be used for maintaining health.  

So, on that note, I have an article below that I found to be quite interesting.  I hope you will read it and then give this issue some thought.  Tell me what you think.


More Med Schools Are Teaching Alternative Medicine

Ten years have gone by and $2.5 billion have been done in research, yet it all comes down to scientists, doctors and researchers have really found no cures from alternative medicine. Still, these mostly unproven modalities and treatments are mainstream and used by more than a third of all Americans and more med schools are teaching alternative medicine.
The government has spent more than $22 million to help medical and nursing schools start teaching about alternative medicine. Critics tend to be upset because they feel lesson plans are biased toward unproven remedies. These critics are also upset that more tax money is being spent to train more young doctors to do research in this field, which will launch some of thee bright young doctors into careers as alternative medicine providers.
Doctors need to know about popular remedies so they can discuss them non-judgmentally and give competent advice, the government says, and many universities and medical groups agree. "Patients are using these things" whether doctors think they should or should not, and safety is a big concern, said Dr. Victor Sierpina, an acupuncturist at the University of Texas Medical Branch.
Still some critics say it is like teaching “Harry Potter medicine.” Students are being asked to close their eyes to science principles that guide the rest of their training in order to keep an open mind about pseudoscience, they say. Still, it is not stopping med schools from teaching alternative medicine.
One of the largest and well known schools is The University of Arizona's Center for Integrative Medicine. Currently it has medical residency programs in hospitals around the country and is partly sponsored by well-known advocate Dr. Andrew Weil, the center's founder. The Bravewell Collaborative which is a private group promotes such care and offers scholarships for many of the Arizona school's students to get hands-on training in integrative care clinics.
The University of Minnesota offers medical students an elective course in alternative healing methods at a Hawaiian medical center and students raved about things they had tried firsthand, and said they returned more willing to recommend acupuncture, meditation, yoga, herbal remedies and other nontraditional care.
"Consumers are demanding it" and more research is needed to see what works, said Mary Jo Kreitzer, who directs the Minnesota school's alternative medicine curriculum. "Ultimately we need to align policy" so that insurers pay for these therapies” ,
Georgetown University started the nation's first graduate degree program in complementary and alternative medicine and they strive for objectivity, said the program's director, Hakima Amri. She stated the goal is "to train a new generation of open-minded but critical physicians or scientists."
Written by Tyler Woods Ph.D.
Tucson, Arizona
Exclusive to eMaxHealth
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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Art Dolls 101

Our new member in the spotlight this morning is Anna Zueva,a professional doll artist who lives in Perm city, Russia. Anna's dolls are so enchanting and whimsical, with such delightful characters, that I know you'll want to see more then the peek you'll get here. So for more of her art dolls; visit her Etsy shop, her blog, or her amazing website! Welcome to the ADO team Anna!

As I mentioned before, I have become fascinated by the world of Art Dolls.  I am amazed at the myriad forms these dolls take.  The methods, the styles, the subject matter of these works of art never ceases to impress me.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Art Dolls, I really would suggest that you visit Much ADO about Art Dolls  and familiarize yourself with all the artists and their styles.  I am getting to where I can identify the artist just by looking at the dolls, so I know I am getting better in my knowledge of this community.

There is another site you could visit to see the works of various artists as they apply to holidays.  This site, American Holiday Artists, showcases dolls that were designed with different holidays in mind.

I frequently visit art doll blogs, so I encourage you to check out the other sites listed in the blogrolls on these sites.  Over time, I have developed favorites--some of them I have showcased here before.  I wish I had the money help support these wonderful artists, not to mention collecting a wonderful assortment of beautiful art dolls.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More about Christmas

ChristmasImage via Wikipedia
I have never been a Christmas person.  As a matter of fact, Christmas has always been my least favorite holidays.  I don't like getting surprise gifts and I hate shopping.  I used to be able to enjoy the season when my girls were small by decorating and holiday crafting, but not so much anymore.

One year I made each girl a handmade stocking and decorated each one with beads and sequins and hand-made appliques made out of felt.  I really enjoyed the work, but now I don't even think they know where those stockings are.

Another thing I used to do was make bread-dough tree ornaments.  I would start making them in October and have enough to hang on the tree for Christmas.  The girls loved to "help" when they were small , but by the teenage years that too went by the side of the road.

So, here I am now, middle-aged and facing Christmas.  My grandsons are teenagers so they are not into crafting or decorating.  All they want is money or games; maybe even clothes--if they are cool.  Christmas is just another day.  Usually, I choose to work that day and let those with families take the day off. This year, I think that will be what I will be doing also.

I have begun thinking about shopping for gifts, however, which is very unusual for me.  With the advent of online shopping, I find the task not quite as bad.  I don't mind buying gifts, but I love that they wrap and deliver to the receiver.  No mess, no worry.  The only thing to remember is to shop early enough that the gifts arrive in time.

Anyone else with a similar story?  I'd love to hear some of your stories about Christmas past, present, and future.

Here are the thoughts I am having about gifts this year:

For my sister who is always getting lost--a GPS navigator to use in the car.
For my youngest grandson who loves to play games and be online--a netbook computer of his own.
For the oldest grandson who is a real gamer--a Wii gaming system
For both my daughters, each a veteran reader and traveler--a Kindle Reader
For myself, who works online and loves to watch my grandsons--a camcorder

Wow, that was so easy.  Now all I have to do is find the money and get busy ordering!! This is the way to have Christmas!
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Is anyone ready for Christmas?

Halloween on ChristmasImage by Tvlip via Flickr
Halloween will soon be a memory and Thanksgiving will be here before you know it.  With that in mind, has anyone else been thinking about getting ready for Christmas.  I know that the retailers are all trying to do their best to remind us of the imminent arrival of the HOLIDAYS--Halloween candy and costumes hanging side-by-side with Santas and Turkeys.  I sometimes don't remember what is the next holiday anymore.

I have just started buying my gifts and already I am having trouble.  Don't you know people that have everything and you have to buy them a present?  That describes my children who simply go and buy whatever they want right when they want it!  Whatever happened to delayed gratification, or working for something you want?

That particular mind-set makes gift giving a nightmare.  Usually, by the time Christmas rolls around I have simply given up and I just give money.  That seems so wrong, but what else do you do?

Is anyone else having these issues or am I all alone here?
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Monday, October 26, 2009

Vitamin D in the news. What do you think?


 I have been reading, both online and in print, about all the possible problems that can develop from a low level of Vitamin D.  As a nurse, I am interested because I believe that we need to do everything we can to maintain and keep good health instead of relying on the health care system.  As a proponent of natural and holistic medicine myself, I firmly believe that additional vitamins are a necessity if you are to have a strong body and mind.  

The problem I find myself having is this--there is so much hype in the mainstream news today about Vitamin D and all the myriad diseases it can prevent and even I become skeptical.  First of all, vitamin D is not really a vitamin at all but rather a precursor hormone.  Hormones are involved in every process of the human body, so I am sure that a deficiency in a specific substance could lead to many and different sources of ill health due to the breakdown of the natural processes of the body.  Beyond that, I still need convincing.  Although I have been taking Vitamin D supplements for some time, I am not quite convinced that Vitamin D is the "magic bullet" for good health and long life.

Below I have included just one of the many articles I find daily about this subject.  Feel free to read the article and comment.  Why not read it and come back here to comment?  

Try this link for more information...


 Health Buzz: 1 in 5 Youngsters Lacking in Vitamin D and Other Health News

Posted October 26, 2009

Study Finds 1 in 5 Youngsters Lacking in Vitamin D

A new study finds that about 20 percent of U.S. children between ages 1 and 11 aren't getting enough vitamin D, the Associated Press reports. Researchers looked at vitamin D blood levels in almost 3,000 children recorded between 2001 and 2006. The researchers also applied a higher cutoff for deficiency that showed close to 90 percent of black children and 80 percent of Hispanic children may be vitamin D deficient, according to the AP. Earlier research has suggested a link between vitamin D deficiency in kids and health problems such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol and has also shown that many U.S. teens are lacking enough of the nutrient. Health professionals do not have a single set of guidelines to determine the level at which a child is considered deficient, the AP reports. The latest study appears in the journal Pediatrics.
Click here to find out more!

[Read: Vitamin D and Kids: How Much Sun Should They Get to Stay Healthy? and 3 Ways to Make Sure Kids Get Their Vitamin D.]
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The ongoing saga of creativity block!

Well, since I seem unable to get myself jump started, I am asking you to leave me suggestions on how to get going when you seem unable to create.

Any idea, no matter what, will be appreciated.  I really am starting to be bothered by my inability to produce anything.  I have the best of intentions, but other things steal me away from the art supplies.

Help!  Please help!        

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm still here

I've been reading my blog and I realized (1) that I had not done much in the way of art for quite some time and (2) I had not posted to this blog for too long.  So, to fix problem #2, here is a new post.  I'm still working on problem #1.

I really don't know why I have not done much "art" lately.  I do know that my artisitc endeavors go in "spurts" and I don't really like that.  Usually I work on crafts or drawing to jump-start my desire to become more involved artistically.  However, I have recently gotten interested in two venues that seem to keep me at the computer instead of at the drawing table.  I love blogging!  I now have four different blogs and I like to work on them often.  I have discovered that once you become a blogger, you automatically become a blog reader!  I can lose hours each day reading other people's blogs about things that interest me.

The other venue I have gotten myself into is Squidoo.  I am trying to learn how to use this format to make money online.  I know, I know.  Everyone and his dog are trying internet marketing.  Well, I don't want to make a gazillion dollars and live in mansions all over the globe.  I just want to know how to do it and maybe make extra money to spend on my family.

So, in a blatant attempt at self promotion, I am inviting you to visit my blogs and leave me any comment you like.  I have one blog called The Mental Health Minute where I post useful articles and information I find about mental health issues.  Since I am a psychiatric nurse and have been for 20 years, you might say that this is a topic near and dear to my heart, and you would be right.  Feel free to visit the blog and learn more about this area.  We all are touched by mental illness in some way, whether because of stress, loss, or just family dynamics.

My next blog is called Nursing Notes and is about issues facing nursing today.  Here I talk about the changes I have seen in my 20 years as a psych nurse; I post articles I find about nursing in the news.  I try to give honest information about the profession of nursing and what that entails.  Please, visit my blog and leave me some feedback.  With the current nursing shortage, we all know someone who is thinking about going to nursing school.  Send them to my blog for current information all in one place.  I sometimes come across as jaded and biased, and I have to admit I am at times, but nursing is a great profession and one I love.  I do think we need some changes, but overall nursing is what I want to do.

In addition to this blog you are currently reading, I also have another Blogger blog about my life with my dog, Satchmo.  He is the love of my life and has been my constant companion for the last ten years.  He has driven across the country when I was doing my travel nursing.  We drove back and forth to California from Oklahoma not once, but twice.  He is a rat terrier and he is absolutely the "poster child" for that breed.  He is stubborn, energetic, loving, funny, and an escape artist.  Read all about his exploits and learn about the breed at Life with Satchmo.

Now, to talk about my Squidoo lenses, I have one about..ta...dah...........Rat Terriers!!  You can visit by clicking here Rat Terriers.  As you can probably see, I love this breed of dog.  I never knew there was such a wonderful type of dog until I had one.  I only got mine on a fluke.  A nurse I worked with had a litter and was desperate to get rid of the last puppies and I said, "Okay, I'll take one."  I told her I wanted a girl and I wanted one that was mostly brown.  I got a boy who is white with black and tan spots.  Go figure!

I've run off at the mouth long enough.  I will try to tell you about the other lenses next time.  Until then, stay safe and stay healthy!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Art Dolls of the Obama family

Here is a wonderful article about art dolls that I hope you will find as interesting as I did. These are incredible dolls. She is a remarkable artist.

GH woman creates First Family dolls for ArtPrize competition
Wed, Sep 23, 2009

The subject of Nancy Tassin's ArtPrize entry may be presidential, but she insists it's not at all an expression of her political views. The Grand Haven woman created dolls of President Obama and his family for the Grand Rapids contest with a $250,000 top prize.

Tassin, 63, says the piece respectfully captures the humanity and hope that lies at the core of who the Obamas are and what they mean to the country."At any time, taking on the role of president is a sacrifice," she said. "But in these troubled times, choosing to run for president strikes me as a truly selfless act."

Tassin is one of 26 Northwest Ottawa County artists who have entered ArtPrize.The contest period began today and runs through Oct. 10. ArtPrize has no formal jury, curator or judge; instead, the public will decide who wins the prizes by voting, using mobile devices and the Web. Voters must be age 16 or older. The entries are scattered around different Grand Rapids venues. Tassin's dolls can be seen at Fountain Street Church, 24 Fountain St. N.W.

To see the list of area artists entered in ArtPrize, click here: http://www.grandhaventribune.com/paid/303847669517370.bsp

Tassin said she chose the Obamas as the subject for her "An American Family" piece because she is in awe of the sacrifices they are making for our nation."As I've watched the president and his family, I've been struck by the poise and determination with which he and his family have taken on this burden," she explained. "Their closeness and the support they provide to one another, seems to embody the hope our nation needs at this time. Whether or not one agrees with his policies and ideals, I feel like the Obamas as the First Family represent America's best qualities."

Each doll body is soft-sculpted out of fabric over a wire armature. The hands, feet and faces are sculpted out of polymer clay; the eyes are glass and the hair is mohair; and the costumes were made out of wool, silk and cotton.

The four subjects range in height from 10 inches to 20 inches."I am fascinated by the intricacies of people," Tassin said. "I love to study their expressions, moods and physical features. When I began working with polymer clay, I found that I could capture the essence of an individual and allow people to study a personality more intensely than they could when viewing a live subject."

In her youth, Tassin said she discovered that the visual arts allowed her to convey ideas, emotions and dreams in a way that mere words often failed to achieve. She said drawing, painting and sculpting were the vocabulary of a visual language that allowed her to share her unique view of the world with those around her.

Today, Tassin is the mother of three grown children and grandmother of five. But her art has always remained a passion, and recently she found inspiration in sculpting art dolls. Some of her dolls were recently featured in Contemporary Doll Collector Magazine.

However, Tassin said she normally does not sell or even display her work. In fact, she said her family pushed her into entering the ArtPrize competition."It's more just something I like to do," she said of the doll art.

Once she agreed to enter the contest, Tassin said she decided to make something new for it — rather than something from her collection — and it took about three months to create the Obama dolls. Her daughter, Danielle Fogel of Spring Lake, assisted her in entering the contest and setting up the display at its venue in the past few days.But Tassin said she isn't really in it to win."Winning would be wonderful, but I'm just happy to have this whole experience," she said. "I'm sorry the creating process is over. I worked on it everyday and I feel kind of empty now that it's done."

Tribune Writer Marie Havenga contributed to this story.

On the Net: www.artprize.org
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Let me introduce you to BoneHead Studios

I told you before that I have become enamored of Art Dolls, but I have to say that this blog Bone Head Studios has to be my favorite of all time. Her work is nothing short of miraculous!

What I especially love is that when you visit her blog, you get to see how she makes these pieces. She takes photos as she works, so you see the process from the original sketch to the finished product.

Here are some of the pictures of finished art dolls from her blog. Please visit her and leave her a comment if you like the work. I find new ideas and new details every time I visit, and I visit often.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Art Dolls at Gallery Five

 by Alice Watterson
This article I found online is the best description I have ever read about exactly what makes an Art Doll.  I had to share this with you.  The links to the other artists are absolutely beautiful.  I know that if you like Art Dolls, you will love the work of these artists.  What I enjoy most about Art Dolls is that each one is an individual, much like people.  Each one has its own story, and presents itself in specific ways to the viewers.  For me, this is part of the mystique and encourages the viewers to interact with the dolls themselves on a very adult level.

One-of-a-kind handcrafted doll 22" tall
by Alice Watterson

Art Dolls, by and large, are the artist’s own interpretation of the human form. It can be abstract, impressionistic, mechanical, representative of an idea or notion, altered from a normal doll (like a really far-out barbie doll), or not even look like a doll. That is the fascination of these dolls. They are in galleries, private collections, museums all over the world. The originality of each doll is unique to the creator…but sometimes the creator or artist takes a left turn and just when you think the doll is made by an artist you can always recognize, you get a glimpse of a new and wonderful direction the artist is taking. That is amazing…instead of a world of a gazillion dolls that all look alike you now have a world of one-of-a-kind creations that can literally blow your mind.Some of my most favorite artists today: Akira Blount, Kim Goldfarb, Alice Watterson, Olga Rohl, Dima, Karen Flanders, Lynn Sward, Marge Hennen and Charla Khanna…and many, many, more wonderful artists who see the world just a little different. Viva la Difference!I invite you to experience this art form by checking out art dolls at Gallery Five.                         by Nancy Napier
Gallery Five
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Art dolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have recently begun a fascination with art dolls and have been reading blogs all over the web.  I devour all I can find that describes not only what an art doll is, but also how an art doll becomes.  There are quite a few art doll artists that I find myself returning to over and over. 

When I first started reading about this subject, I found this clip to be a good starting point.  After reading this, I felt I had learned, at least in part, what being an art doll artist meant.  I also felt that I had gained some understanding of what all was involved in this fun and addicting art form.

A doll artist must be proficient in many skills - including sculpting, painting and costuming. They need an understanding the various clays used create a human or human-lie sculpt. The figure or doll is usually dressed or draped in fabrics. Costuming can be elaborate or simple. Sewing and color sense is very important. It is similar to a composition if this were a drawing or painting. It adds the sense of time and place. Portraiture is another skill a doll artist must possess. The face is the most important feature. An expressive face or telling smile can elevate a doll to art. Just like the Mona Lisa rises to the level of fine art. A well crafted figure figure rises from doll to an art doll.

Art dolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Where Has the Time Gone?

Well, it seems that I have been away for quite some time. What was I doing, you might ask. Well, to be honest, I'm not exactly sure. I know that I did not work on that silly rabbit, nor did I work on the new pastel I started. Instead, I have been all over town with my sister, who is visiting for the summer. She wants to go here, go there, drive me to....etc. So, although I love my sister, I have not done much that I like to do in these few months. I have enjoyed spending time with her, but I get really tired with all the going.

So not much to report here right now, I just dropped back in to let you know that I was definitely alive but hardly kicking! Soon, I hope things will get back to normal and I can finish my little bunny man.

While you're waiting for me to get busy, why not go to this site and see some really beautiful work. Or you can go to this site to see more really beautiful work.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Finally, I have returned!

Well, this blogging stuff is harder than I realized. I thought that since I spend considerable time daily online, this would be easy, but I was dead wrong. I now have more respect for those able bloggers out there that blog daily or even weekly. I must be too ADHD or something...I get so distracted once I get online. Before I know it, hours have passed and I have not done anything but sit and stare at web sites, reading about this 'n that! So, I am going to try to do better.

I tried to do a paper mache rabbit and I think he turned out pretty nice, but I just can't seem to get motivated to get him painted. So I figure if I put him up on my blog, then I will be SHAMED into giving him his personality with some paint.

So here he is.....
First picture shows him being assembled. He has a paper clay face and head on a paper mache body.

Next pic shows him getting his arms, ears and legs and feet. Here I am hoping that he will stand up by himself when he gets all assembled.

Then he is shown standing with his new legs and feet attached. Notice the pad he is standing on. That was the only way to make him stable enough to stand alone. I figured it was okay and I could cover it up with raffia or something later.

Finally, here he is in all his glory!!! He has his base coat of gesso on and is ready and waiting for color. He was originally going to be made for Easter but I blew that, so now I think he will become a Halloween Bunny all decked out in black and orange. How fun can that be?

Let me know what you think. I could really use a little input and maybe a push to finish this cute little fella.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The finished painting

Now to finish the previous post, as I finally found the pictures of this painting. I have to apologize for the quality of the photography--I never did get around to taking those photography courses. Anyway, here is the almost finished painting.

Here's the finished project. Although I didn't get the light and colorful results that Lori does, I still like the picture. I don't think it evokes quite the whimsey of her paintings, but I do think I get the same feeling. Anyway, this was my attempt to emulate her.

I did learn quite a bit about myself and my artistic talent while working on this. I think that is why it took me so long to finish it. In the end though, I feel pretty good about both myself and my painting. I know that I am not ever going to be Rembrandt, but I certainly will enjoy myself trying!

What do you think? Feel free to leave a comment, even if you say you hate it! I'd love to hear what your thoughts are.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My attempt to paint ala "Lo" at Spewing4thArt

Well, I think I have finally figured out this blog system, so now maybe I can actually get something posted.

Here is my attempt to paint "in the style of" Lori at Spewing4thArt. As I said in my previous post, I love her style. She uses bright colors and whimsical compositions. I just had to try to see if I could come up with something similar. I hope that isn't wrong. I always thought that you learned painting by repainting something by a "master".

I started with a pencil drawing that had a bit of the same feeling I get when I look at Lori's paintings. Then I slowly begin to add color. My next post will show the completed picture. Hopefully by then I will figure out how to add pictures in the order and in the places I want.

See you soon.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Well Hello!

I have finally decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon and start writing about my life and my art. I am not sure if any other person will be at all interested (except for my lovely daughters) but I think I will have fun writing stuff here and I can always hope that someone will find me mildly entertaining or even wildly eccentric.

I have been reading blogs now for about 3 months and I am hooked. There are quite a few that I look at daily. I knew I was in trouble when I started having dreams about reading blogs and when I had withdrawal symptoms if denied access to these blogs. No one told me how addictive this new hobby would become. I think there should be some official WARNING label attached to every blog telling the unwary that they are about to get sucked in and turned into BLOG ZOMBIES! I swear, I spend hours each day just reading posts from my favorite bloggers. Most of those I read have to do with art and art dolls--both realistic and primitive types, and I hope to be able to review some of them with you in the future. I'm not sure if I need to get the blogger's permission first, or if it would be okay to just talk about their blog and include links to it. This blogging stuff does not really come with any directions or instruction books, so I'll be feeling my way as I go. If I inadvertently cross any invisible boundaries, please feel free to tell me so I can avoid that pitfall in the future.

For this posting, I think I would like to talk about the blog that got me started. First and foremost, I must give kudos to my DD who writes the most irreverent and obscene blog I have ever read on her myspace page and now who has her own blog out here in the blogiverse,
http://hookerwithaheartofguile.blogspot.com/. She definitely has a knack with words and is not squeamish about speaking her mind. So, after reading her postings for a while, I tremblingly attempted to blog on my myspace page, but chickened out and just posted videos and stuff from You-Tube.

The second, non-family, blog that I began to read was
http://rasehallstudios.wordpress.com/. This is done by a lovely lady named Lori, but she goes by Lo for short. I was drawn to her work because it is whimsical, very colorful and makes me feel happy. I went back and read all of her old blogs and I have to say that this woman can paint! She also loves to cook and shares some of her recipes on the blog. She lives in Sacramento, CA and is married to an artist. She has a video on YouTube where you can watch her paint one of her "girls". You can view that here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-fcEmTpFw4. She also takes the most beautiful photographs.

For a while, she posted quite often. Now, however, she posts infrequently, but I am sure that life has interjected itself and she is as pressed for time as we all are. She has also become enamored of yarn and knitting and makes really beautiful hand-dyed yarns. I do enjoy the yarn posts, but wish she would get back to painting and art. She has a wicked sense of humor and is delightful to follow, no matter what her content is, so I recommend that you go on over to her blog and make yourself acquainted.

I even used her artwork as a jumping-off board to get my own art started again. I dabble here and there, but not as often or as much as I would like. I decided that the best flattery I could give to Lori would be to try to paint "in her style". I have been working, on and off, on a painting for several months--mostly because I am my own worst critic and get stymied easily. Tomorrow, I will try to include photos of my work in progress. The only good thing I can say for myself is that I did take pictures as I worked, so can show the progression pretty well. I hope to finish this particular picture this week, so I will post the entire event. I bet you are just dying to see, aren't you? Patience is a virtue, unless you allow waiting to become a way of avoidance. (I may be speaking from experience, but I'll never tell)

Anyway, I will try to figure out how to get pictures put up on here next. So stay tuned.....

Why Are Orcas Attacking Boats?

Recently I have been reading articles and news about Orcas attacking boats and causing quite a bit of anxiety.  Since these whales hunt in p...