Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Rising Maternal Mortality Rates in the US vs. the World: An Alarming Trend

I have been reading a lot lately about women's issues and one particular item keeps popping up in my feed regularly (I mean, like daily) and that is the rise in maternal death rates in the United States.  We are a rich nation with immeasurable resources and funds, yet this issue is occurring without any end in sight.

My original theory is that women have lost value in our society and because of this, women's health is unimportant. I know, I am such a feminist.  I know that my thinking is skewed on this topic, but I think there may be a kernel of truth in that theory. I have read so many articles and scientific papers about this topic and one thing is very clear.  We live in a male dominated society that has little to no respect or appreciation for women and their contributions to our society.

The scientific community is a male dominated and fully insulated community.  Women do work and make contributions in science, but still, as in all of our history, most of their contributions are stolen and attributed to men. So, when I read scientific articles and papers, I look for the women listed as contributors; then I peruse the information through my "feminist" glasses.

We should not be having women dying from childbirth anymore, period, but since the turn of the century, this troubling trend has risen in the United States: an increase in maternal mortality rates, which seems to contrast with trends in other high-income countries. This is a complex and multifaceted issue, and while many theories abound, there remains no definitive answer as to why the United States is falling behind its peers.

So let's take a look at this important issue, but let's first understand what we mean by 'maternal mortality.' This term refers to the death of a woman during pregnancy, at delivery, or within 42 days of childbirth or termination of pregnancy. It's a crucial indicator of both women's health and healthcare quality across nations.

Currently, the U.S. maternal mortality rate is the highest of any developed nation, and alarmingly, it's on the rise. In stark contrast, other countries, particularly those in Europe, have seen their maternal death rates steadily decline. So why is this happening, and what does it mean for society as a whole?

Theories of why maternal death rates are increasing in the US 

  • First, the prevalence of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, are higher in the US than in other developed countries. These conditions can complicate pregnancy and childbirth, leading to an increased risk of death.
  • Second, racial and socio-economic disparities are significantly contributing to this upward trend. Women of color, especially African-American women, are more than twice as likely to die from pregnancy-related causes compared to white women. This points to a broader issue of social determinants of health, including access to quality healthcare, education, housing, and food security.
  • Third, the U.S. health care system itself may play a role. Despite spending more on healthcare per capita than any other country, the U.S. lacks a comprehensive, universal healthcare system, potentially leaving some pregnant women without access to necessary prenatal and postnatal care.

Efforts are currently underway to curb this troubling trend. For example, some states have established Maternal Mortality Review Committees (MMRCs), interdisciplinary groups of experts who review maternal deaths to identify systemic issues and suggest actionable improvements. 

Federal programs, like the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health, are working to develop nationwide safety initiatives to improve maternal care. However, these measures need to be scaled up and receive continuous funding and political support to make a significant impact, and in a time when funding for women's health and women's issues is being defunded by our politicians, that is unlikely.

Increasing maternal deaths not only means the loss of mothers but also signifies broader societal implications. These deaths reverberate through families and communities, contributing to a cycle of poverty and diminished health outcomes, especially among minority groups. More fundamentally, these deaths are often preventable, reflecting gaps in our healthcare system that we must address.

Why should we care about this? Besides the inherent value of human life and health, maternal mortality rates serve as a powerful lens through which we can examine larger societal issues. They reveal underlying disparities in our health care systems and the deep-rooted inequities in our society.

Ultimately, we must all engage in this crucial conversation. It's not just about improving maternity care, but also about addressing broader systemic issues, from socio-economic disparities to improving our healthcare system. The health of our mothers and the strength of our families depend on it.

On a side note, the death of every woman in childbirth leaves a baby without a mother and without someone to take care of its needs.  For many of these babies, that means depending on our social systems to provide essential needs for them. This is another hot topic in our political arena today.  

I, for one, do not see any chance that we will be able to turn this around anytime soon.  Unless we as a society, finally agree that women are fundamentally important to our society and contribute as much if not more than men, we will not see anything change.

I am getting off my "soap box" now.  Thank you.

This is NOT a new issue.  Check out some of these references and you will see that they go back pretty far, and when they were published it was not new then. Why is that? What prevents us as a society from correcting this trend?


  1. Reducing US Maternal Mortality as a Human Right
  2. Racial Disparities in Maternal and Infant Health: Current Status and Efforts to Address Them
  3. Maternal Mortality: A Bigger Problem than You May Think
  4. Maternal Mortality
  5. What are examples and causes of maternal morbidity and mortality?
  6. The simple intervention that may keep Black moms healthier
  7. U.S. maternal deaths keep rising. Here's who is most at risk

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Changing Your Beliefs to Transform Your Life

Today, I was browsing the internet as usual and I came across an article that intrigued me.  Here is the article, How To Change Your Beliefs To Change Your Life  . I had never really thought about the possibility of changing your core beliefs nor had I ever thought about the impact on your life that having negative core beliefs might bring to you.

I did more digging, and by golly I found quite a bit written on this topic.  I read everything I found and I really got motivated to do some introspection about my own beliefs and see how they are guiding my life.  I know, introspection is not something most of us want to do; heck, most of us never do it.  Most of us just exist from minute to minute without thought about how we got there or where we are going in our own lives.  Sad, but true.

After my deep dive, I felt compelled to post something here about this topic.  I hope, if you take the time to read it and all the links I have provided, you will also be moved to do a bit of introspection and maybe change your own life.  I can only hope.

So, here is the post about changing your beliefs that I want to present for your perusal.  I hope you like it.

Shifting Paradigms

“If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” ~Henry Ford

Life is an ever-evolving journey filled with challenges, triumphs, lessons, and transformations. One of the most profound ways we can instigate change in our lives is by shifting our beliefs. Our beliefs are the foundation upon which our realities are built. They dictate how we interpret our experiences, shape our perspectives, and inform our actions. When we change our beliefs, we reshape our thoughts, reframe our perceptions, and ultimately alter the course of our lives. This post will guide you through the process of changing your beliefs to transform your life.

Understand Your Current Beliefs

To make any significant change, you must first understand your current state. To change your beliefs, you must understand what they are and how they've been formed. Beliefs are not innately a part of us, but rather, they're learned and shaped through experiences, cultural norms, societal expectations, and personal perceptions. 

"We create our reality with the thoughts we think all the time and every day. Our thoughts dictate the decisions we make. Our job is to find the core beliefs that make our life stuck and change them." (How To Change Your Core Beliefs In The Subconscious Mind)

Some of our beliefs serve us well, encouraging growth, happiness, and success. However, others may limit us, creating barriers to potential possibilities and maintaining unhelpful patterns. To understand your current beliefs, consider the narratives you tell yourself about who you are, what you can achieve, and how the world works.

Identify Limiting Beliefs

After gaining an understanding of your existing beliefs, the next step is to identify which ones are limiting you. These are often negative beliefs about ourselves, others, or the world that prevent us from achieving our goals or living a fulfilled life. They might be beliefs such as "I'm not good enough," "I'll never be successful," or "People can't be trusted."

Identifying your limiting beliefs can be challenging as they are often deeply ingrained and are part of our subconscious thinking. However, with reflection and mindfulness, you can bring them to the surface.

Challenge Your Beliefs

Once you've identified your limiting beliefs, it's time to challenge them. Ask yourself why you hold these beliefs, where they came from, and whether they're based on facts or assumptions. Most importantly, ask yourself if these beliefs are helping or hindering your progress and happiness. Challenging your beliefs can be an uncomfortable process, but it's a crucial step in reshaping your thought patterns and creating room for new, empowering beliefs.

Replace Your Limiting Beliefs

With your limiting beliefs identified and challenged, it's time to replace them. Start by visualizing the person you want to be and the life you want to lead. What beliefs would that person hold? From there, create affirmations or mantras that embody these new, positive beliefs. For instance, if your limiting belief is "I'm not good enough," you might replace it with "I am worthy and capable."

Practice New Beliefs

Changing your beliefs isn't a one-time event; it's a journey that requires consistency and practice. It's not enough to simply identify and replace limiting beliefs; you must also incorporate your new beliefs into your everyday life. You can do this by consistently reminding yourself of your new beliefs, acting as if they're already true, and looking for evidence that supports them. Over time, these new beliefs will become a part of your subconscious thinking and will influence your behavior and decisions.

Be Patient with Yourself

Finally, remember that change takes time and patience. Don't be discouraged if your old beliefs still show up from time to time. Instead, acknowledge them, remind yourself of your new beliefs, and stay committed to your journey. Over time, your new beliefs will take root, and you'll start to see changes in your perceptions, decisions, and actions. These changes, in turn, will lead to a transformation in your life.

Changing your beliefs is not an easy task. It involves self-reflection, self-awareness, courage, consistency, and patience. However, the reward is profound. By shifting your beliefs, you can break free from limiting patterns, open up new possibilities, and create a life that aligns with your values and aspirations. Remember, you have the power to redefine your reality by reshaping your beliefs.

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”

― Buddha

Here are another couple of links to resources to read about this topic, What Are Core Beliefs and How Do They Affect Your Health? ; and this one, A Harvard Psychologist Shows How to Change Those Limiting Beliefs You Still Have About Yourself .

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Aging with Optimism and Joy

I was browsing around the internet yesterday and came across an article that I thought was very interesting.  As is my normal behavior, I quickly found the "rabbit hole" as I delved further and further into the subject.

As a retired person, I am very interested in making my life meaningful and enjoyable for as long as possible.  I have always been quite proactive--engaging in exercise, eating a good diet, taking supplements designed to protect my body, but I sometimes fail in the department of keeping optimistic.

It is because of this that I found this article so interesting. You can read this same article by clicking here, Aging With Optimism: Yale Study Links Positive Attitudes to Cognitive Restoration .  Here is the paragraph that caught my attention: Older persons in the positive age-belief group who started the study with normal cognition were less likely to develop MCI over the next 12 years than those in the negative age-belief group, regardless of their baseline age and physical health. Maybe you will tell me what you think about it after you read it.

So after searching the internet and finding more articles, I decided to post about this topic here. Basically, here is what I found summarized, but please do check out the articles linked at the end of this post for the complete information.

Here are the 10 principles of positive aging: (7 Strategies To Age Successfully: Power Of Positive Aging)

  1. Acceptance: Accepting aging as a natural and positive part of life.
  2. Active engagement: Staying engaged in life through activities and relationships.
  3. Adaptability: Being open to change and adapting to new circumstances.
  4. Purpose: Having a sense of purpose and meaning in life.
  5. Personal growth: Continuously seeking opportunities for personal growth and development.
  6. Positive attitudes: Cultivating a positive outlook and attitudes towards aging.
  7. Physical activity: Engaging in physical activity to maintain health and well-being.
  8. Relationships: Building and maintaining meaningful relationships with others.
  9. Self-care: Practicing self-care to maintain physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
  10. Spirituality: Connecting with a higher power or sense of purpose to enhance overall well-being.

Benefits of Aging with Optimism:

1. Improved Mental and Emotional Well-being:

Aging with optimism can greatly benefit mental and emotional well-being. By actively cultivating a positive outlook, a person can experience:

   - Reduced depression and anxiety: Fostering a positive mindset can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, enhancing her overall emotional well-being.
   - Increased resilience: Optimism can strengthen resilience, allowing a bounce back more easily from life's challenges and setbacks.
   - Enhanced self-esteem: A positive outlook fosters self-acceptance and self-compassion, leading to improved self-esteem and a greater sense of worth.

2. Heightened Sense of Purpose and Fulfillment:

Aging with optimism helps individuals find meaning and purpose in their lives, providing a renewed sense of fulfillment. Here's how it can be accomplished:

   - Engaging in meaningful activities: By pursuing new interests, hobbies, or volunteering, discovering and nurturing a sense of purpose in your daily life.
   - Celebrating accomplishments: Recognizing and celebrating achievements, whether big or small, reinforces a sense of fulfillment and gives you a positive perspective on life.
   - Setting goals: Establishing new goals and aspirations keeps you motivated, excited, and engaged, providing a clear sense of direction and purpose.

3. Enhanced Physical Well-being:

Optimism and a positive mindset also have a direct impact on physical health. By incorporating specific practices into your routine, you can experience the following benefits:

   - Increased energy and vitality: Engaging in regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy diet, and practicing self-care can boost energy levels and overall vitality.
   - Improved immune system: A positive mindset can have a positive influence on the immune system, reducing the risk of illness and enhancing the body's ability to fight off infections.
   - Better stress management: Cultivating optimism and mindfulness techniques can reduce stress levels, benefiting your cardiovascular health and overall well-being.

4. Enriched Social Connections:

By embracing optimism, you can enhance your social connections and alleviate feelings of loneliness. Here's how:

   - Building new relationships: Actively participating in community activities, clubs, and volunteering opportunities allowing you to meet new people and forge meaningful connections.
   - Strengthening existing relationships: Nurturing existing friendships and family bonds by staying connected and engaging in regular communication helps combat loneliness and enhances your support network.
   - Sharing experiences: By maintaining a positive outlook, you become a source of inspiration and positivity for others, strengthening your connections and fostering a sense of belonging.

5. Embracing the Beauty of Aging:

Aging with optimism allows you to fully embrace and appreciate the unique gifts and opportunities that come with this phase of life. By approaching aging with positivity, she can:

   - Embrace wisdom and experience: Recognizing the value of accumulated wisdom and life experience enables you to feel empowered and confident.
   - Embody self-acceptance: By accepting yourself and embracing your age, you can let go of societal pressures and enjoy the freedom of being authentic.
   - Inspire others: By radiating optimism and joy, you become a source of inspiration for others, challenging negative stereotypes associated with aging and encouraging others to live their lives to the fullest.

So, it seems that by making a few adjustments to my own outlook, I might be able to embrace being an optimistic old lady.  That would be fine by me, and probably make my children happier.  

All of these things are simply common sense, but it seems that in living life day-to-day, we forget them or let them take a back seat to other things going on in our lives.  Now, after my deep dive on the internet, I truly understand that these things are the most important things I can be doing to make my live better; so I had better get with the program!  What about you? Do you need to kick-start yourself into being more optimistic?

This post probably would be more appropriate on my other blog, Retire Happy and Healthy but since it was precipitated by falling into that "hole", I will leave it here. If you like this info, feel free to check out that blog where I post all kinds of neat stuff about retirement and growing older.

Here are some more articles you can read through on this topic:

Positive attitude about aging could boost health

Embrace Aging With Positive Thinking

A Positive Attitude About Aging May Help Reverse Memory Loss

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Can You Really Make Money Online?

I was watching YouTube yesterday and realized that every third video that the algorithm put in my feed was a "make money quick online" type of video.  I do watch those types of content, because there usually is a kernel of useful information in each one, but I was appalled by YouTube just assuming that was all I wanted to watch.  Actually, I was insulted. I watch numerous types of videos from art, to DIY, to paranormal, to internet learning videos.  Why is my feed crammed full of "make money" videos?

When I realized this, I sat and thought about it for a bit.  I decided that I needed to post here about what that "make money quick online" video was selling you and what you really have to do to be successful online.  There really is no way to instantaneously get rich by doing little to nothing. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble.

The process for making money online is basically the same as for making money anywhere.  You plan, you prepare, you display your product, you watch for other ways to make more money, and you constantly analyze and learn from your mistakes.  No "get rich quick scheme" will do all that.

Exploring the Myth and Reality

In today's digital age, the idea of making money online has captivated the minds of many. The allure of working from the comfort of your own home, setting your own hours, and potentially achieving financial freedom is undeniably appealing. However, amidst the countless success stories, there are also tales of disappointment and failure. Let's look into the myth and reality of making money online, examine what it takes to be successful, and understand the reasons why some individuals fail to achieve success.

1. The Myth of Instant Wealth:

One of the most pervasive misconceptions about making money online is the belief in instant wealth. Many people are lured by promises of overnight success and unrealistic income claims. While it is true that some individuals have achieved remarkable financial gains through online endeavors, it is important to understand that these instances are the exception rather than the rule. Building a sustainable online income usually requires time, effort, and a strategic approach.

Truth be told, most of the people claiming instant wealth have no proof to offer you that what they are saying is true.  They may show documents with so called "proof", but those can be manipulated by the author. The proof is not there. Please don't be sold a bill of goods by anyone online. The people who are making it online have a very long history and presence that you are able to follow.  You will see that they have "done the work" to get where they are.

2. The Reality of Building an Online Income:

Building a successful online income involves various factors. It often requires a combination of skills, knowledge, perseverance, and adaptability. Whether it's through e-commerce, freelancing, blogging, affiliate marketing, or other online ventures, individuals need to invest time and effort to develop their expertise, establish a presence, and build a loyal audience or customer base. The path to success may be challenging, but with the right mindset and approach, it is attainable.

3. Essential Elements for Online Success:

To increase your chances of making money online, it is crucial to focus on several key elements:

a. Niche Selection: Identifying a profitable niche that aligns with your passion, expertise, and market demand is vital. Research and analysis can help you determine the viability and potential profitability of your chosen niche.

b. Building an Online Presence: Establishing a professional website, creating engaging content, and leveraging social media platforms are essential for attracting and retaining an audience. Building trust and credibility within your niche is crucial for long-term success.

c. Monetization Strategies: Exploring various monetization avenues, such as advertising, sponsored content, product sales, or offering services, can help diversify your income streams and maximize your earning potential.

d. Continuous Learning: The online landscape is ever-evolving, so staying updated with industry trends, emerging technologies, and new marketing strategies is crucial. Invest in your skills and knowledge to stay ahead of the curve.

4. Reasons Why People Fail to Make Money Online:

While making money online is certainly possible, it's essential to acknowledge the common pitfalls that can lead to failure:

a. Lack of Patience: Building a successful online income takes time, and overnight success is rare. Impatience can lead to frustration and giving up prematurely.

b. Insufficient Effort: Simply creating a website or social media account is not enough. Consistent effort, dedication, and the willingness to adapt are necessary to stand out and succeed.

c. Inadequate Planning: Without a well-thought-out strategy, it's easy to get lost in the vast online world. Setting clear goals, creating a roadmap, and tracking your progress are crucial for staying on track.

d. Lack of Focus: Trying to pursue too many opportunities simultaneously can lead to diluted efforts and mediocre results. Focus on a specific niche or business model to maximize your chances of success.

e. Failure to Adapt: The online landscape is dynamic, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Adapting to changing trends, algorithms, and consumer behavior is vital for sustained success.

While the myth of instant wealth may entice many, the reality of making money online requires dedication, perseverance, and a  strategic approach. By understanding the essential elements for success, avoiding common pitfalls, and embracing continuous learning, individuals can increase their chances of building a sustainable online income. 

Remember, making money online is not a guaranteed path to riches, but with the right mindset, commitment, and effort, it can be a rewarding endeavor.

One of the easiest ways to make money online is through Affiliate Marketing, but even that holds no guarantees.  All of the above applies to this type of business, so if you decide to start it, be prepared to do the work and be in for the long haul.

You can read about starting making money online here:

Learn how to start affiliate marketing here:

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Starting a Print-on-Demand Sticker Store

 Unless you live under a rock, you have been inundated with "make money by selling printables".  If you watch any YouTube videos, you also are under attack by videos that promise you can make money online if you just do what they say.

The truth of the matter is that, yes you can make money online or selling printables, but in order to do so, there is quite a lot of work to be done.  You cannot just make them and post them on Etsy or another platform to have money just come rolling in.  That is the part they always leave out.

I am in the process of setting up an Etsy shop for printables and art.  It is quite a bit of work to do this and I try to avoid doing it as often an possible because it is time consuming and confusing.  I am, however, determined to get it done.  My shop will focus on original art by me and printable cards and stickers only.  

Since I am doing this, I felt I should start here by outlining exactly what it takes to set up a print-on-demand shop so you can really see what it involves and the time it takes for me to do this.  I may or may not make money.  I don't think that is my primary drive.  I just want to see if I CAN do it, first; then I'll worry about if I CAN make money.

Here is a breakdown of the Print-on-Demand process according to ChatGPT:

Print-on-demand (POD) businesses have gained significant popularity in recent years, offering entrepreneurs a low-cost, low-risk opportunity to venture into the world of e-commerce. Among the many options available, starting a print-on-demand sticker store can be a creative and lucrative choice. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of launching your own sticker store, as well as effective strategies for driving traffic and maximizing sales.

Step 1: Define Your Niche and Target Audience

Before diving into the business, it's crucial to identify your niche and target audience. Consider what types of stickers you want to offer and who would be interested in purchasing them. Are you targeting a specific hobby, interest, or market segment? Understanding your niche and target audience will help you tailor your designs and marketing efforts accordingly.

Step 2: Research and Select a Print-on-Demand Platform

To bring your sticker designs to life without the need for inventory or upfront costs, partnering with a reliable print-on-demand platform is essential. Research and compare various POD platforms based on factors such as pricing, product quality, shipping options, and integration capabilities with e-commerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. Some popular POD platforms for stickers include Printful, Printify, and Redbubble.

Step 3: Create Unique and Engaging Sticker Designs

The success of your sticker store heavily relies on the quality and uniqueness of your designs. Take the time to brainstorm, sketch, and digitally create eye-catching and relevant designs that resonate with your target audience. Consider hiring a professional designer if you lack design skills or need assistance in bringing your vision to life.

Step 4: Set Up Your Online Store

Choose a user-friendly e-commerce platform to set up your online store. Shopify and WooCommerce are highly recommended for their simplicity, customization options, and integration capabilities. Customize your store's theme to align with your brand identity, and ensure your store's design is visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Step 5: Partner with a Print-on-Demand Provider

Connect your online store with your chosen print-on-demand provider. This integration allows for seamless order fulfillment, printing, and shipping directly to your customers. Ensure your chosen provider offers high-quality printing, a wide range of sticker options, and reliable shipping services to maintain customer satisfaction.

Step 6: Pricing and Profit Margins

Determine the pricing for your stickers that will cover production costs, overheads, and leave you with a profitable margin. Take into account factors such as material costs, design complexity, and the perceived value of your stickers. Conduct market research to analyze the pricing strategies of your competitors and find the sweet spot that balances affordability for customers while maintaining profitability for your business.

Step 7: Create Compelling Product Descriptions and Imagery

Craft enticing product descriptions that highlight the unique features, uses, and benefits of your stickers. Use high-quality images and mockups that accurately represent your designs to attract potential customers. Including lifestyle images and showcasing stickers in different settings can help customers envision how they can incorporate them into their lives.

Step 8: Implement Marketing Strategies

To drive traffic and generate sales, you need a well-ro

unded marketing strategy. Here are a few effective methods to consider:

a. Social Media Marketing: Utilize platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to showcase your designs, engage with your audience, and build a community around your brand. Create visually appealing content, collaborate with influencers, and run targeted ads to reach your ideal customers.

b. Content Marketing: Start a blog or create engaging content related to your niche. Write informative articles, tutorials, or design inspiration posts to establish yourself as an authority in the field and attract organic traffic to your website.

c. Email Marketing: Build an email list by offering incentives such as exclusive discounts or free sticker giveaways. Use email marketing platforms like Mailchimp or Klaviyo to send regular newsletters, product updates, and special offers to keep your subscribers engaged and encourage repeat purchases.

d. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your website's content, product descriptions, and blog posts with relevant keywords to improve your search engine rankings. This helps potential customers discover your store organically when searching for related products or topics.

e. Collaborations and Giveaways: Partner with complementary brands or influencers for cross-promotion or collaborative giveaways. This allows you to tap into their existing audience and gain exposure to potential customers who may be interested in your sticker designs.

Step 9: Customer Service and Reviews

Offer exceptional customer service to build trust and loyalty with your customers. Respond promptly to inquiries, address any concerns or issues, and ensure a smooth and hassle-free buying experience. Encourage customers to leave reviews or testimonials, as positive social proof can significantly influence potential buyers.

Step 10: Analyze, Optimize, and Scale

Regularly analyze your sales data, website analytics, and customer feedback to identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement. Optimize your marketing strategies, product offerings, and website design based on these insights. As your store grows, consider expanding your sticker range, exploring new niches, or even branching out into related products to scale your business.

Starting a print-on-demand sticker store can be an exciting and profitable venture. By following these step-by-step guidelines, honing your designs, implementing effective marketing strategies, and prioritizing customer satisfaction, you can successfully launch your own sticker store, attract traffic, and maximize your sales potential. Embrace your creativity, stay persistent, and adapt your approach based on market feedback to achieve long-term success in the competitive world of e-commerce.

Now, that is quite a mouthful isn't it?  This is what they never tell you.  There is actual physical WORK involved and it takes TIME and EFFORT to even get started.  There is no "get rich quick" scheme here.  I will be posting once a month about my journey into this print-on-demand sticker and card shop and I will tell you all the information, not just some of it.  I will include successes, failures and if I make any sales.  I want you to really see what is involved and how much time it takes. 

For example, last night I created about 10 stickers and today I need to turn those images into stickers on my platform (I am using Printify for this).  Once I do that, I need to go to my Etsy store @ and post them.  I need to create mock-ups on Canva, too. So, I use Canva to create them, Printify to make them, Canva to make mock-ups, and Etsy to sell them.  Takes quite a bit of time to do all this.  I will try to keep track of time today and post next month about time spent on it.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Cigarette Filters and the Environment

Recently, I came across an article somewhere online that made me so mad.  Now, I used to be a smoker (35+ years ago) so I am not bashing smokers per se.  What I am upset about is the careless disposal of said cigarettes without a care for our environment.

The article I read was about how cigarette filters are full of microplastics and when you throw them on the ground, they contaminate the ground when the paper covering deteriorates.  The little plastic fibers disperse with the wind and end up in and on everything around.  These fibers are harmful to plants, soil, water and wildlife.

 That is what made me mad. So, here is a post about exactly what these little things on the end of your cigarette can do if you toss them without consideration as they can take up to 10 years to degrade in the environment. 

Here are some of the negative effects of cigarette filters on the environment:

  • Harm to Wildlife: Many animals mistake cigarette filters for food and ingest them, leading to digestive problems, choking, and even death. Cigarette filters can also entangle and suffocate marine animals, such as sea turtles and seabirds.
  • Soil and Water Contamination: When cigarette filters are discarded on the ground or in waterways, they release toxic chemicals and heavy metals, such as lead, arsenic, and cadmium, into the environment. These substances can contaminate soil and water, harming plants and animals, and potentially affecting human health.
  • Waste of Resources: Cigarette filters are made of plastic, which is derived from non-renewable fossil fuels. When they are littered, valuable resources are wasted, and more energy is required to manufacture new filters.

Despite the negative impact of cigarette filters on the environment, some birds have found a way to use them to their advantage. Researchers have observed that urban birds, such as the house sparrow, are incorporating cigarette filters into their nests as a way to prevent parasites.

Here's how it works:

1. Parasite Prevention: Cigarette filters contain compounds, such as nicotine and ethylphenol, that repel insects and other parasites. By lining their nests with cigarette filters, birds can protect their young from infestation.

2. Nest Insulation: Cigarette filters are also effective at insulating nests, keeping eggs and hatchlings warm and dry. This is particularly important in urban environments, where temperatures can fluctuate more rapidly than in natural habitats.

3. Availability: Cigarette filters are abundant in urban areas, making them a readily available resource for birds that may have difficulty finding natural nesting materials.

While it's interesting to see how some birds have adapted to the presence of cigarette filters in their environment, it's important to note that this behavior does not excuse the harm caused by littering. Cigarette filters still pose a significant threat to wildlife and the environment, and efforts should be made to reduce their use and encourage proper disposal.

To mitigate the negative effects of litter, we must work together to reduce our use of plastic and properly dispose of waste.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Daisy Yellow ICAD Challenge

 Have you ever heard of the ICAD Challenge?  I had heard of it, but I had never participated before. That said, I decided that this year I would join in on the fun and I started making my art each day.

What is ICAD Challenge:

The ICAD Challenge is an art challenge that was started on the Daisy Yellow Art website ( several years ago.  The owner wanted to create a fun and easy way for artists to make art every day.

ICAD stands for "index card a day" and that is exactly what you use.  The premise is to make art that is accessible to everyone and by using the common index card for your art, you remove the idea that it has to be "precious" or "perfect".  You are using a throw-away card to make some type of art.

How does the ICAD Challenge work?

This challenge goes from June 1st through July 31st. So for 61 days you make an index card a day.  The owner of the challenge puts out prompts each week that you can use or not.  The idea is not to put any pressure on yourself.  You decide what you make.  You do not have to use the prompts, they are simply suggestions. At the end of this challenge you should end up with 61 little pieces of art to do with as you please.

How do you join the ICAD Challenge?

All you have to do is start.  There is no "official" way to join.  That way, you are not obligated to continue if you have problems keeping up.  This challenge is designed in such a way that beginning artists can join and enhance their skill set. There is no pressure to show your work anywhere but there is an Instagram hashtag you can use if your want to let others see your art. You post your card to your Instagram with #daisyyellowart and that is all you have to do.

Where do you get the prompts?

You can find the list of prompts on the website.  She puts up one week at a time so you cannot get overwhelmed. As I said before, the prompts are simply suggestions and you do not have to use them at all to be in the challenge.

Why would I want to do this challenge?

It's fun! It's easy.  It helps you grow as an artist. It lets you see lots of other people's work to get ideas about techniques and processes.  As I said before, it's fun!

Below are my first week's ICADs to give you an idea of what I mean.  Please consider joining us.  You can join anytime, not just at the beginning.  

See how simple it is?  Please come join us.

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