Sunday, April 1, 2012

Here's the finished portrait done in pastels

This is finally done.  I've sat and looked at it as much as I can and I have added all that I feel I can to it.  I think she turned out quite nicely and I hope you agree.  Tell me what you think.  Should I continue with these pastels?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Here's what I've been up to lately.

Instead of blogging all the time, I have been playing in my sketchbook and working on a pastel profile.  Here is a glimpse of some of what I have been playing around with.  Nothing earth-shattering, just playful, fun sketches and pictures:

And here is a peek at the newest pastel I have been working on.  This is just the first layer, she will need more fine tuning still, but I really like her.

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Let's have a home spa day

The holidays are over, thank God!  Time to relax and rejuvinate ourselves and our moods.  Nothing does that better than a home day spa!  Here are some videos to help you learn how to pamper yourself and relax.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2012!!!!

Here's a clip from a movie that I think says everything you need to say.
Don't wait until you think you are about to die to live. Happy New Year. Make this the best year of your life!

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Why Are Orcas Attacking Boats?

Recently I have been reading articles and news about Orcas attacking boats and causing quite a bit of anxiety.  Since these whales hunt in p...